Mo: For the record, Tori Amos is nuts
Ali: Uh Cha. But I like her voice
Mo: Paula Cole
Who’s the skinny calista flockhart looking one?
I have skipped though 2 Tori CDs this am
Feel like I ate fruit loops
Ali: Oh Oh! Fiona Apple. LOL, I was about to say I don’t know, but it popped into my head at the last minute.
Mo: Big Bowls
Ali: How does it FEEL to eat fruit loops exactly?
Mo: Like Tori Amos all soft then getting all rough on the roof of your mouth, good flavor but mostly painful yet you just keep going. Making my own pretty hate machine…now I get her!
Boys on my left side, boys on my right side, boys in the middle but you are not here.
Ali: Nice alliteration. You deserve and award.
Mo: I knew that you would truly appreciate that
I am an effing genius
Ali: Yes you are!
Mo: Then with moves of a swan I just dumped coffee down both legs and I am freezing. Damn you Tori, I need to buy pants stat.
Ali: Brilliant but not graceful. Are you working already?
Mo: Yep, Marshall ’s open?
Target I guess…man it’s vanilla cold
Ali: I just bought new pants the other day. They might still be in the car. Hold on, I’ll check
Is that like being chocolate wasted?
Mo: Unless you happen to have pants, yes vanilla pissed.
So I drove to Ali’s work and yes, she saved me, she had this adorable pair of dress slacks in her jeep, so funny, tags still on them. Steal of a deal oh how we love Ross.
Leave it to me to have my skull converse on today and get to gussy up a pair of pinstripe slacks. I feel like Jim Carey in the Mask. I share this with Ali to which she responds…”That’s a Spicy Meat-a-Ball!” She says I should walk around saying it all day.
LOL, oh to be a fly on the wall.....or a reader on your blog. Ya'll are random as it gets and I love it.